What We’re Getting Our Toddlers for Christmas

As a mom of two toddlers, shopping for the holidays feels like a bit of a push-pull between wanting to get my kids really fun gifts and also not wanting to add more clutter to our house. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking through what my kids seem drawn to at their current stages and what will be things that they can grow into for years to come. Here is what we’re giving our littles for Christmas plus these matching jammies.


Gifts for Dino Boy, age 3.5

Firefighter Pretend Play Costume

Dino Boy is obsessed with all things firefighting right now. The trucks! The uniform! The sounds! The firefighting dog! This costume will be under the tree this year.

Triceratops Pretend Play Costume

With a nickname like Dino Boy, this is an obvious choice. A dino head and a dramatic cape. What more can he ask for?

A Favorite Book

We borrowed this book from the library multiple times this year and Dino Boy would read it all quiet time long. I can’t wait for him to open it up on Christmas!

Gifts for Sunshine Girl

Doll House

I found a cute wooden doll house that comes with a ton of accessories on Facebook Marketplace. I have slowly been refurbishing it with new fabric, paint, and some flooring. There’s still plenty of time for you to find your DIY — just search for “wood doll house” — expect a large one in good shape to cost $50-$100. If you’re out of time or not crafty, this is a cute doll house.

Tender leaf Family

Doll House Family

The only thing that Sunshine Girl’s dollhouse didn’t come with is… dolls! This is a cute family and matches the color scheme.

Pretend Play Outfit

Sunshine Girl is currently all about tutus, capes, and all things sparkly. I can’t wait to see my sweet girl running around in this!

Stocking Stuffers + Wishlist for Family

A few cute items that are on the wish list.

Magnatiles Road Add On

Silk Streamer

Playdough Texture Rollers

Not on the list, but worth a mention…

An awesome and very appreciated and (no clutter!) gift option for families is a membership to a local zoo or museum. My mom renewed our membership for Dino Boy’s birthday and it’s really the gift that keeps on giving all year round. It allows us to visit the zoo for about $6 for parking plus snacks and gas.

If your loved one doesn’t live close enough to an attraction to make a membership feasible, a gift of tickets plus gas and restaurant gift card for a day trip would be incredibly thoughtful.

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in what’s under the tree this time of year, but what really matters is who is in the room with you.

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What She Wants for Christmas


Feeling Seen As A Mom