Do you have a family ritual to welcome the weekend?
When Dino Boy was younger, we had matching family pajamas (known here forward as fam jams) that we used to wear one night a week. Life and another kid later, that fun habit has fallen by the wayside. The other day, we were discussing bringing back a fun way to welcome in the weekend and we decided to…
A picnic during the sunny days of summer.
Bring back the fam jam night! But better.
By having a fun picnic dinner and movie night. We’ll put down a blanket on the playroom floor. Get the kids set up with tray tables. And sit down on the couch behind them with our dinners.
I’m so excited! Do you have a special way that you welcome in the weekend? Sounds a lot nicer than collapsing into a heap!
Our meal plan for the next week
I meal plan most often on Wednesdays. It’s when the ads for our local grocery stores come out so I can check out what’s on sale on that day and it seems to work a little better for our weekly rhythm. I make a loose plan for the next seven days, usually sticking with it about 90% of the time.
Thursday: Hot dogs (regular and Seattle dog-style with cream cheese and caramelized onions), french fries (frozen), and fruit — this is fam jam night so an easy dinner
Friday: Homemade pizza (sans sauce for kids) and salad
Saturday: Sushi burrito night
Sunday: Ham (from the freezer — was on sale a few weeks ago) with scalloped potatoes (this makes slicing the potatoes a breeze and it’s easy to clean), fruit, and sautéed greens
*I usually try to make a larger meal this night to allow for leftovers for lunch and meat to incorporate in meals the rest of the week
Monday: Ham and grilled cheese, tomato soup, and fruit
Tuesday: Breakfast for dinner: quesadillas, bacon, and fruit
Wednesday: Slow cooker ham soup (I usually wing it, but will be similar to this recipe) with cornbread and salad
Notes for this week’s meals: I wasn’t super excited by what I saw in the sales flyers this week, so decided to pull from the freezer.
If you’re looking for other dinner inspo, I ask my pals on the Instagram what they’re having for dinner on Wednesdays. A few of their yummy dinner ideas: sheet pan meal, leftovers (always the best!), and ground pork stir fry and noodles.
What are you having for dinner? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
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